KIEIN III - Kuwait Integrated Environmental Information Network (2006 - 2007)

Reference: Dr. Carsten Schürmann (RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation)
Customer: Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR) / GISCON Solutions
Competences: Engineering
Division: Professional and Analytical Services and Tools
Contact: Dr. Carsten Schürmann


The KIEIN-III project is the direct follow-up project of the KIEIN-I and KIEIN-II projects, who already developed and introduced the geodatabases and GIS-applications at KISR based on Shapefile formats and ArcView GIS. The general objective of the new project is to port the existing databases and applications to a modern database format and up-to-date GIS software, which are geodatabase data format and ArcGIS, respectively, and to update and improve existing GIS applications and to develop new applications in the fields of demography and economy. The detailed work packages are as follows:(i) migration of existing geodata and applications from ArcView and Shapefile format to ArcGIS and geodatabase format; (ii) improvements and enhancements of existing applications and development of new socio-economic applications; (iii) development of webbased GIS-applications for KISR intranet and the internet; (iv) training in the new GIS environment and human capacity building. The responsibility of Mr. Schürmann was to assess the user needs for socio-economic applications, to define the data needs and functionalities of the new socio-economic applications, and to train KISR staff in socio-economic indicators and indicator applications.In addition, he supervised the development and implementation of a new innovative module for the calculation of various accessibility indicators on raster basis (i.e. on grid cells with 100 x 100 meters resolution), and leads the implementation of another indicator module for the calculation, selection and illustration of socio-economic indicators.


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