NAVIGAR (2014 - 2015)

Reference: TCP International
Customer: NAMOREG
Projectpartner: ITS BA, Stadt Stuttgart, PTV, Siemens, Navigon, Universität Stuttgart
Competences: Engineering
Division: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Contact: Carsten Schürmann


The project NAVIGAR (Sustainable Transport control with integrated navigation in the Stuttgart region) closes the gap between public traffic management by traffic control centers and private-sector navigation based on modern navigation devices. Route recommendations in urban and regional areas, notified by dynamic message signs along the roads or by radio messages released by the public traffic control centers, currently cannot be processed by the individual navigation devices of the road users, so that situations arise where the drivers face conflicting route recommendations. NAVIGAR tries to close this gap.
In a basic step the Integrated Traffic Management Centre Stuttgart (IVLZ) and navigation systems are linked with each other. The system considers overarching guiding strategies and give the road users politically desired route recommendations (e.g., at traffic peaks during major events, road works or in case of accidents). Current information about IVLZ-control measures such as Road closures or temporary release of lanes at the arrival and departure of a major event can thus be effectively passed on to the road users, so that his individual navigation devices can take this information into account for the individual routing.
The objective of the project is achieving an improvement in regional and local traffic by transmitting traffic measures and public routing recommendations to the navigation systems of private providers.
The task of TCP International in this project is to develop the necessary legal and organizational framework for the exchange of information between the public and private sector.


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