Public transport in border regions (2020 - 2021)

Reference: TCP International
Customer: European Commission, DG Regio
Projectpartner: Carsten Schürmann
Competences: Planning
Division: Transport Planning and Spatial Development
Contact: Carsten Schürmann


Many border regions still suffer from a lack of integration. Especially with regard to cross-border transport connections, there are still bottlenecks and obstacles of various kinds. This study analyses existing cross-border public transport services (buses, railways, trams, ferries) and creates a Europe-wide inventory of cross-border public transport services (CBPT), including a web application. It also compiles obstacles, challenges and solutions for these services in order to provide planners and decision-makers in border regions with guidance on how to develop cross-border services in the future. This study is led by Spatial Foresight, Luxembourg, and is carried out together with EureConsult and TRT.


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