REFIT: Refinement and test of sustainability and tools with regard to European Transport policies (2007 - 2008)

Reference: Dr. Niklas Sieber
Customer: European Union, FP6
Projectpartner: TNO, TRT, TML, ISIS, CAU, University of Stuttgart
Competences: Strategy
Division: Policy and Strategy
Contact: Dr. Niklas Sieber


REFIT had the task to improve and integrate modelling tools and methods used to evaluate European transport policy, focusing on sustainability. The project developed new evaluation methods for policy targets and tested methods that address the overall economic, environmental and social impact of transport policies.
Niklas Sieber wrote Deliverable 3.3 on "Assessing Transport Policy Impacts on the Internalisation of Externalities of Transport". For this purpose an indicator on the “level of internalisation of externalities” was developed, which calculates the share of external costs that have been internalised according to the polluter pays principle. The study contained as well a critical theoretical analysis of marginal cost pricing in transport.


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